The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (“NSE”) vide Circular No. 116/2024 dated December 27, 2024, has now made it mandatory for all Trading Members to register themselves on the SHe-Box (Sexual Harassment electronic Box) Portal set up under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 (“PoSH Act”).
This Circular has been issued in furtherance of a judgement rendered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Aureliano Fernandes Vs State of Goa & Ors., 2023 (“Aureliano Fernandes”). A very significant directions has been issued by the Supreme Court in this landmark judgement mandating all entities employing 10 or more than 10 individuals to mandatorily ensure that information regarding their Nodal Officers and Internal Committees (“IC”) is uploaded on the SHe-Box as per the provisions of PoSH Act.
The SHe-Box Portal
The SHe-Box is an online portal launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development that serves as a centralized repository for data on ICs and Local Committees across the country and facilitates online filing of sexual harassment complaints under the PoSH Act.
It aims to assist female employees across organized and unorganized sectors, public and private sector organizations, as well as domestic workers, in reporting cases of workplace sexual harassment.
For more details on the SHe-Box portal, please refer to our previous article on the same.
Highlights of NSE’s Circular
How SHLC Can Help
For any organization, aligning with the PoSH Act and leveraging tools like SHe-Box is not just a legal necessity; it is a moral responsibility. At SHLC, we are here to make this transition seamless and effective.
To learn more, please visit our website at or contact us via email at
The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the law is constantly evolving. This blog post does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship and should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional legal advice. For specific PoSH-related questions and concerns, please consult with a qualified lawyer or PoSH expert.