As the government takes affirmative steps to put an end to sexual harassment at workplace, it’s time you take the right steps & do the same!
We provide customized services & assist employers in making their workplace safe & healthy!
While workplaces are catching upto speed on their sensitisation and awareness of workplace sexual harassment the past few years, the government is now moving towards ensuring strict implementation and enforcement of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act.
Employers in Mumbai and the state of Telangana have now been asked to register their Internal Complaint Committees with the respective state authorities.
While employers in Mumbai are required to submit details of their Internal Committees to the office of the District Women and Child Development Officer, employers in the state of Telangana are required to register their Internal Committees through the Sexual Harassment Electronic Box
The state governments move to introduce the registration of all ICs will now enable the government to zero down on those employers who have (i) failed to constitute the IC or (ii) incorrectly constituted the IC. With the increasing number of workplace sexual harassment cases, the step taken by the state government is expected to make employers more vigilant when it comes to constituting their ICs and ensuring effective grievance redressal.
These much needed affirmative steps taken by the Maharashtra & Telangana government are a testament to the seriousness with which the governments at the national and state level are planning on spearheading for a safe POSH compliant workplace. This will be a trailblazer for other states to do the same!
Don’t wait for your state government to pass an order for you to take the necessary measures. It’s time we make workplaces safe together. Contact us and let us assist you in making your workplace safe and assuring your workforce of a healthy environment!